Introduction to API Štíteknabalí Verze: 1.71; 2022-04-21

Štíteknabalí API is based on REST architecture. In order to be able to use it you need to fulfill following requirements.

  1. Access only via secured HTTPS protocol.
  2. Get authentication to access via .
  3. Authenticate using HTTP Bearer token authentication.
  4. Send data encoded as UTF-8.

API environment

For easy API connectino you can use testing envrionment which is identical to production but using separate database in background and data is not sent to carriers APIs.


Since November 2020 there is a new SANDBOX enviropnment. Original TEST environment will not be updated and will be shut down around Q1 2021. Use SANDBOX environment for testing purposes.

1] Rest API versions /v2, /v3, /v4.

2] OAuth client to connect to API requires company account creation.

3] For testing purposes test account creation is reuqired. Production data is carried over to test every month and they also rewrite carrier settings in test environment. It is recommended to set up carriers and their services in both environments at the beginning.

4] Štíteknabalí application in TEST environment where you can setup configuration for testing.


Štíteknabalí supports two kids of authentication. Basic using generated api key and Bearer using OAuth 2.0., which supports scopes (access rights for particular methods)

All requests except for root address require HTTP authentication. To access using Basic auth you need to get token from support team and to access using OAuth you need to get access_token.

Considering the nature of this authentication it is NECESSARY to always use HTTPS protocol. Single API call via HTTP compromises authentication tokens. More in section Authentication

HTTP codes

First verification on your side should be http status code verification.. All codes are according to HTTP specification.
(More about HTTP here ).

Possible HTTP codes:

HTTP codeMeaningDetails
200OKRequest succesfully processed
201CreatedRequest processed and resource succesfully created
304Not ModifiedResponse identical to cached resource - empty body returned
400Bad RequestBad request received - invalid data input provided
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed, auth header missing or invalid
404Not FoundRequested resource (URL) not found
405Method Not AllowedInvalid http method used, response contains vlaid methods
406Not AcceptableInvalid Accept used
410GoneOld version of API used
412Precondition FailedAttempt to modify resource that was already updated
414Request-URI Too LargeToo long URI used
415Unsupported Media TypeInvalid Content-type header received
422Unprocessable EntityRequest validation failed, for exmaple invalid package weight
426Upgrade RequiredUsed unsecured HTTP protocol
500Internal Server ErrorServer side error
503Service UnavailableService temporarily unavailable(service update in progress)

Supported communication formats

To make it easy to connect to our API we support several data formats of communication.

  • use MIME type Content-Type header in your requests, to specify what data format you send us.
  • Use MIME type Accept header in your requests, to specify what data format you expect in response. Supported formats in table bellow.
  • Use Accept-language header in your requests, to localize messages in responses. We support en (as default) and czech cs.

Supported formats (for Content-Type: and Accept: ):

JSONRecommendedUse MIME type application/json in header.
XMLSupport will be terminatedUse MIME type application/xml in header
form-urlencodedSupport will be terminatedUse MIME type application/x-www-form-urlencoded in header
Can I skip Accept header?

If header is missng we use generic */*, as default format we use JSON. In case of invalid or unsupported header Accept the error message is in JSON.

What is the root element of XML?

If you decide to use XML format for reponse the root tag is always <root>.

How do I know I use wrong format?

If we accept invalid format, HTTP status 400 is returned.

What date format is used?

Unless specifie otherwise, all date formats are ISO 8601, eg. 2014-12-31T18:25:50+02:00.
Více o ISO 8601 zde .

What decimals format is used?

You can use , or . equally. Separator of thousands should not be used, eg. 12500.00, 330,50.


If there is an error on our side the response can be in different format than requested in Accept header. These errors can occur on server side errors or during maintenance thus we recommend to check status code before parsing the reponse. An example can be 414 code. If the response code is 5xx, it is possible that response is not in expected format.

Response structure

All responses keep same strucutre. Particular repsonses depend on context but generally speaking they keep following structure.

Example of response structure

Successful response:Error response:
--- code
--- status
--- message
--- data
--- code
--- status
--- message
--- errors
--- --- [0]
--- --- --- message
--- --- --- field
--- --- --- value
--- --- [1]
--- --- --- message
--- --- --- field
--- --- --- value

Example structure of error responses

"code": 422, 
"status": "error", 
"message": "Validation failed", 
        "message": "This value should be of type float.",
        "field": "[0].packages[0].weight",
        "value": "3 kg" 
        "message": "Invalid currency format, expected ISO 4217", 
        "field": "[0].valueCurrency",
        "value": "€" 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <message>Validation failed</message>
        <message>This value should be of type float.</message>
        <value>3 kg</value>
        <message>Invalid currency format, expected ISO 4217</message>

Description of items:

  • code general error code identical to http code
  • status response status, possible values: success, error
  • message general description of error (in english)
  • data response data, only for successsul repsonses, optional and structure depends on context
  • errors array of errors for error repsonses, optional
  • errors.message english desription of error
  • errors.field path to error field
  • errors.value invalid field value


all keys use camelCase syntax.

More information

Detailed description of error codes and structure of succesfull response can be found on page of another our service Balíkonoš next to particular service methods.
These services and resources are identical with Štíteknabalí except for different endpoint here (

API versioning

The version of API used is part of URL. Right now there is API v4, thus URL of all resources begin with Any API version updates will be announced in advance. Older versions of API will be kept for some time.

Particular API versions:

  • v1 - initial API version, not supported anymore
  • v2 - to be deprecated soon - compatible with
  • v3 - actual version, compatible with
  • v4 - actual version, newest version updated regularly.

Testing and debugging

During development you will need to verify the behaviour of your application and what responses can you expect from API.

Creation of SANDBOX account

You can register to test nevironment using URL under this paragraph. It is a separate environment from PROD that uses different DB and doesn't call carrier APIs.

In Štíteknabalí app you need to setup your colleciton places. For testing of particular carrier choose settings and inserta any testing credentials.

For testing of creation and closing of packages you need to enable collection place directly in carriers settings page.
Without this settings all packages will be marked as address to address, which is undesirable in cases when you want to test deliveries from collection place.

Links to create testing account can be found in section Environments in TEST column.


Simplest way to test is using CURL Example usage:

curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Authorization: Bearer bacffecfc1bd349b85e51b37a542aed57f457a8e"

Other tools

There is a vast variety of tools to test REST APIs, for exmaple Chrome extension Postman

Vlastnosti a funkce

Data compression

If you add Accept-encoding: gzip header to your request, responses will be compresseed using gzip. This method will save around 80 % of transfered data! For JSON format approximately 65 % of data.

Compressed data will be return along with Content-encoding: gzip header. You need to decompress the data on your side. For example PHP You can also send use the requests using this method. You need to use Content-encoding: gzip header.

You can also configure your server to do the compression automatically - for example apache


Because amount of transferred data can be really big we strongly recommend to always use compression.

HTTP Cache

All GET methods return ETag header, with actual repsonse hash. This value should be stored along with returned data. In case of identical query with If-None-Match header no body is returned as content remains the same. Unless content changed, HTTP response will be 304 with empty body – as the content has not changed and it is unnecessary to transfer any data. This is useful in case of large repsonses(like PDF labels). Behavioud can be checked in browsera

Další funkce

Overriding POST method

If you rapplicatoin cannot use PUT or DELETE HTTP requests, it is possible to use POST. If you set up X-HTTP-Method-Override headerto some of supported mathods (PUT či DELETE) using POST request, it will perform same action as if PUT or DELETE was used.

Only POST can be overridden, not GET. Method GET is safe and cannot change resource state.

Output format

Standard JSON and XML responses are pretty formated for better readability.This behaviour can be disabled using query parameter prettyPrint set to false. See example of root resource . This can also reduce the amount of transferred data

Unsupported functions

Support for JSONP is not possible due to header authorization.

Support for Cross-origin resource sharing is not implemented nor planned to be.


Štíteknabalí API supports simple Basic authentication and more advancerd Bearer OAuth 2.0.
In order to securely access API exposed on HTTPS protocol, HTTP connections will be rejected.

Authentication method comparison

Basic Bearer (OAuth 2.0)
Support for particular requestsNOYES
Token expirationNOYES, 60 minutes
Integration complexityLowHigh
Activation methodGeneration of basic token in settings of Štíteknabalí app (section API) 1]Generation of OAuth client via form here or in test environment (sandbox) here 2]

1] Basic token is immediatelly active after creation. It is immediatelly paired with you Štíteknabalí registration and no other steps are needed. Basic token can be regenerated anytime.

2] OAuth client is not paired with your registration in Štíteknabalí Pairing is done afterwards - see "request for auth code" bellow.

Basic autentication

To obtain Basic API token please contact foxdlei support team.

They will generate token for you, that is required in the header of each request over HTTPS protocol. Token has limited lifetime and we recommend to ask for regeneration once in a while.

Basic token should be used in request header. Remember to keep one space between Basic and API token or the header iwll be considered invalid.

Example header:
Authentication: Basic 684v98fd84vfd9845df55616d5f7d10d54ce9798ccd391735387ea2f6d9c64ce7d5
Content-Type: application/json


Possibility to manually generate Basic API tokenis currently under development.

OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize API clients was created according to specification RFC 6749 .

This documentation describes steps to integrate and use OAUTH 2.0, so that working with the protocol is understandable and clear.
DEtails of particular parts of protocol are not listed but can be found in aforementioned specification or in this article .

Steps to activate OAuth client

  1. Registration of OAuth client - register new OATUH 2.0 client for your API on our web
  2. Allowing authorization (request for auth code) - Allow access to your API in your Štíteknabalí account and save authorization code
  3. Request for access token - Request access_token using your authorization code
  4. Access to resources - Start using API according to API Štíteknabalí specification
  5. Access to resources - refresh access token Obtain new access_tokenu. Can be used only when you already have a refresh_token.

Step 1. - Register OAuth client

Make a registratin of new OAuth 2.0 client entering basic input data about your application, which will be using API access to your Štíteknabalí data:

Most important item in this form is redirect URi (described as redirect_uri in specification). It defines endpoint, To which our application will redirect all auth requests. This address should use https protocol as it uses sensitive data!

Password is your authentication secret, described in specification as client_secret. This secret is used to request access_token, comparably to password in Basic authentication. As a username in this OAuth authenticaiton you can use generated identifier, that you iwll obtain upon finished OAUTH client registration. In specification desribed as client_id.

A copy of registraion data will be sent to your email. It will contain aforementioned identifier and password, that you have set.


This implementation doesn't support login using query parameters or in request body. Find bellow sample request with this authorization. At the same time we do not support public clients usually implemented in javascript.

Step 2. - Enabling authorization(request for auth code)

You already have created an OAuth client and now you have to enable access to your Štíteknabalí account. After approval you will save authorization_code to be used in next step.

This is done on authorization endpoint having following address: for SANDBOX,
or for PROD.

This urls query stringu contains following required parameters: response_type, client_id and also scope and state.
Scope defines what methods can OAuth client call. Scope of particular resources are defined in method documentation // (see OAuth Scope).
In case of multiple scopes join them using plus(+) character.
It is required that your client verifies accordance of state query parameter with reply from the server sent with random value of this param. This is used to prevent CSRF attacks.

In case you will also add redirect_uri parameter, it is required to be in strict accordance with address that you entered during registration of your OAuth client.

After succesful request user is displayd a form to allow or disallow your applications access to Štíteknabalí data. Along with that name of your company, logo, web address, scope and redirect uri is displayed.
After redirection of URL you can obtain authorization_code. it will be passed via GET as a query parameter code.


To request for authorization_code you must be signed in Štíteknabalí app account. It is necessary that system you use supports HTML page rendering and supports sessions. Because it is GET method, request can be done via regular browser. Following redirect can be directly to your API endpoint, where authorization_code will be catched and can be used by your system to authorize.
You allowing access, your logged user and manual confirmation of your ccount is part of securing the API access.

Page with allow button

In case of pressing allow button you will be redirected to redirect_uri where query string will contain authorization_code valid for 90 seconds. This code is always 40 characters of lowercase letters and numbers.


ŽRequest for authorization_code should only be done once or in case of scope change of given client. The goal is to get authorization_code, that can be used later on to obtain access_token and refresh_token.
Once your access_token expires you can renew it using refresh_token. Authorization via "webview" is not necessary anymore.

If you have multiple accouns in Štíteknabalí application plase make sure you use the correct account to allow OAuth client.

Example of authorization request

Detailed request description can be found in specification .

Endpoint otevřít

Example of succesful auth request (redirect)

Detailed description can be found in specification .

Endpoint otevřít

Example of unsuccessful auth request

Detailed description can be found in specificaiton .

Endpoint otevřít

Step 3. - request access token

In this step you will exchange authorization_code for new access_token and refresh_token.

Using access_tokenem you can access API for (60 minutes).

Afte3r expriation of access_tokenu you request new using refresh_tokenu. Refresh token has unlimited expiration.


Due to short expiration time of access token (and necessary renewal using refresh token) it is recommended to store refresh token in DB (if you create application for multiple account registered in Štíteknabalí or to appliation configuration (if you create an app just for you).
Access token can be stored in session until it expires in order to decrease overhead necessary to access this API resource. It is not necessary to store access token in DB.
It is strongly discouraged to request new access token for every request!

Example of HTTP request for access token (REQUEST)

Detailed description can be found in specification .

Ukázka hlavičky
Authorization: empoeWdrbmtmazphYmNkMTIzNA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Ukázka těla
    [code] => 87f90ba9fe97e3b43f11c37eea1e1b475dbd59b9
    [redirect_uri] =>
    [scope] => deliveries collection-places
    [grant_type] => authorization_code

Description of request parameters (REQUEST)

ParameterExample valueDescription
AuthorizationBasic empoeWdrbmtmazphYmNkMTIzNA==HTTP Basic authentication of your application. Connect "Basic" and identifier of OAuth client with password, encoded as base64. Example: "Basic ".base64_encode($client_id.":".$client_secret)
Content-typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedAlways use this value. POST request body must containt values encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
code87f90ba9fe97e3b43f11c37eea1e1b475dbd59b9Authorization code received in previous response
redirect_uri redirect uri
scopecollection-places deliveriesList of requestd accesss scopes divided by space(each resource has its scope, more in method documentation)
grant_typeauthorization_codeAlways just authorization_code

Example of HTTP response for access token request (REQUEST)

Returned access_token is valid for 60 minutes (validity in seconds is in response) and refresh_token with unlimited expiration

Both tokens are 40 characters long and only contain lowercase characters and numbers. To obtain new access token you will receive same data structre without refresh_token item. In case that user denies your application access to his data all your tokens will be revoked

Detailed request description can be found in specification .

Ukázka hlavičky
HTTP/1.1 200
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Encoding: gzip
Ukázka těla
    "access_token": "f709547842cb9f5b891bb9dd3dcaf90d512f8ddd",
    "expires_in": "3600",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "scope": "deliveries collection-places",
    "refresh_token": "406aabf0e1aedc3c600cbf7f591e9b439408f5c3"

Step 4. - Access the resources

All resources require HTTP Bearer authentication specified in RFC 6750 .
Use access_token in HTTP header Authorization along with Bearer prefix.

Using token in query or body of request is not supported.

Example request (REQUEST)

Endpoint otevřít
Ukázka hlavičky
Authorization: Bearer f709547842cb9f5b891bb9dd3dcaf90d512f8ddd
Accept: application/json

Example of response with expired access token (RESPONSE)

It is necessary to check if you use valid non expired access token. If you request with expired or otherwise invalid token an error according to specification is returned. For expired token following response is returned:

Ukázka hlavičky
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Authorization: Bearer f709547842cb9f5b891bb9dd3dcaf90d512f8ddd
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="ClientApi", error="invalid_token", error_description="The access token provided has expired"
Accept: application/json
Ukázka těla
    "code": "401",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "The access token provided has expired",
    "errors": []

Step 5. - access to resources - refresh access token

This step is used only when access_tokenu has expired.

Using refresh_tokenu your OAuth client requests new access_tokenu (valid for another 60 minutes)

Header of this POST request must contain identical params as when requesting using authorization_code (see. Step 3.). Body of request must containrefresh_token, redirect_uri, scope, grant_type.

Conten-type type should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Description of parameters (REQUEST)

ParameterExample valueDescription
AuthorizationBasic empoeWdrbmtmazphYmNkMTIzNA==HTTP Basic authentication of your application. Connect "Basic" and identifier of OAuth client with password, encoded as base64. Example: "Basic ".base64_encode($client_id.":".$client_secret)
Content-typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedAlways use this value. POST request body must containt values encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
refresh_token406aabf0e1aedc3c600cbf7f591e9b439408f5c3Refresh token, kthat you received in access_token response
redirect_uri redirect uri
scopecollection-places deliveriesList of requestd accesss scopes divided by space(each resource has its scope, more in method documentation)
grant_typerefresh_tokenAlways just refresh_token

Example of refresh tokene request (REQUEST)

Ukázka hlavičky
Authorization: empoeWdrbmtmazphYmNkMTIzNA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Ukázka těla
    [refresh_token] => 406aabf0e1aedc3c600cbf7f591e9b439408f5c3
    [redirect_uri] =>
    [scope] => deliveries collection-places
    [grant_type] => refresh_token

Ukázka odpovědi

Ukázka hlavičky
HTTP/1.1 201
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Encoding: gzip
Ukázka těla
    "access_token": "943a8490c94e6750789e2bbb0a0272b8d3833869",
    "expires_in": "3600",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "scope": "deliveries collection-places"